June 07, 2011

Fried Pickles

The first time I ever had Fried Pickles was at Hooters. Crispy fried tangy goodness. Fried Pickles became crave worthy from that night on. Mr. Sideline Chef, Itty Bitty, and I go there quite often with our friends but we've recently stopped going. The girls at the location nearest to our home aren't very nice and stopped giving good service.

I'm having withdrawals. One night after a craving hit at an unusual hour and going to bed dreaming about them I decided I needed to make them.

While picking up groceries the other day I had Mr. Sideline Chef bring me home a big jar of dill pickle slices. I just had to make them.

Itty Bitty's birthday weekend came and I did so much food prep but nothing to do with frying pickles. I forgot I had them in the pantry. The craving was pushed aside after having some birthday cake.

Today while reheating chicken wings I thought about my usual order from Hooters and remembered I had pickles. I could make Fried Pickles! Fried Pickles and chicken wings it was for lunch. I didn't follow a recipe since I've done some frying before.

"Hope you aren't going to miss going to Hooters." I tell Mr. Sideline Chef.

"Why? Are they better?" He asks.

"Oh yeah!" He agreed.

Fried Pickles
Makes 4 - 6 Servings

Stars of the Show:
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tbsp cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 tbsp paprika
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 1 jar dill pickle slices
  • vegetable oil for frying
And Action:

Heat about an inch of oil in a deep pot.

Soak the pickles in the buttermilk. Shake off excess liquid. Dredge the pickles in the flour mixed with the cayenne pepper and paprika. Shake off the excess flour.

Transfer the pickles to the hot oil and fry 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Serve with ranch dressing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rochelle! I've never had fried pickles, but I like pickles and I like fried food (unfortunately) so sounds like a win-win situation to me!

ping said...

I've heard of these a looong time ago and have forgotten about them til now. Haven't had them before. Love eating pickles on their own tho. Sounds interesting.

Chelle B said...

Brenda - You would love love love these then! They are so delicious and easy to make.

Ping - You should try them and let me know how you like them. Yummy!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Anything fried is OK by me! So glad you were able to recreate this favorite :)

Ang said...

Last summer was the first time I had ever tried fried pickles. They were amazing!

Chelle B said...

Lizzy - Frying makes everything better. Just like bacon!

Ang - I am so happy to be able to make them at home whenever a craving for them hits. You can too!

Claire Gallam said...

I have a SICK obsession with fried pickles. It's wrong, it really is.

Chelle B said...

Claire - Haha! I'm with you on that statement.

Ellen Zames said...

Fried pickles are soooo good! Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I say that. I have to try this recipe to prove them wrong. These look delicious.

My sisters and I just started our first themed blog hop over at http://everydaysisters.blogspot.com every Sunday!. This weeks theme is appetizers. We would love for you to come over and share these or any of your favorite appetizer recipes with our blog readers. Have a great weekend.


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